ࡱ> ORNU (bjbjnn .,aa 2!2!2!2!2!F!F!F!F!$j!,F!5!!!!!q"q"q"25454545454545$8w;X592!q"q"q"q"q"X52!2!!!5$$$q"j2!!2!!25$q"25$$2|F4!Шl"J35505\3-<"-<$F4F48-<2!~4q"q"$q"q"q"q"q"X5X5#q"q"q"5q"q"q"q"-<q"q"q"q"q"q"q"q"q"B : Glenn Hills High School 2840 Glenn Hills Dr. Augusta, GA 30906 Neichole N. WimberlyAerobics Teacher Wimbene@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us Exercise and Weight Control Class Syllabus Course Information Teacher- Ms. Neichole N. Wimberly Location- Gymnasium Class Time- 12:45pm-1:35pm Office Time- 1:40pm-3:00pm Telephone- 706-796-4924 Course Overview This course is designed to motivate and teach students about aerobic movement as a method of achieving personal health and fitness. Students will be given the opportunity to learn various forms of weight lifting and exercises. The class will also demonstrate the significance and importance of personal safety while training and exercising. Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. Our goal is to inspire you to have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become lifetime participants and advocates of physical fitness. Types of exercise and weight activities we will be learning: Strength building, flexibility, balance training, walking, Jumping jacks, weightless squats, Aerobic dance, lunges, abdominal crunches, etc. Circuit training: CrossFit, Boot camp, Step-Ups, Dumbbell Cardio: Walking, jogging, lines, fun mile, partner mile, and jump rope Dress out Attire: You will need to change from school attire into the appropriate workout attire. % Athletic shorts/leggings/pants, t-shirt, and athletic shoes Course Expectations Class Expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Punctual, Be Prepared, Be Positive, and Be an Encourager! Injury: You must have a doctor's note to be excused from participating in class. To earn participation points while injured, you are to take thorough notes during class. Healthy Habits: Choose healthy meals and snacks. Avoid greasy foods, lots of sugar, and cokes. Drink lots of WATER Canvas The course will be taught in person, but the students will receive additional materials, take quizzes and submit assignments in CANVAS. If a student needs assistance with accessing CANVAS, the instructor will be available to assist them. They must alert the teacher of any confusion or technical difficulties before assignments are due. They will be held accountable and graded for each assignment and quiz posted to CANVAS. Remind The class will receive reminders about assignments, quizzes and other things related to the class. It is MANDATORY that each student downloads the remind app to receive reminders from the teacher. Send Text To: 81010 Text This Message: 1st period- @nnwi 2nd period- @nnwim 3rd period- @nnwimb 4th period- @nnwimbe 5th period- @nnwimber 6th period- nnwimberl Grade Weights Summative (Test) 40% Formative 30% Classwork 20% ӣwork 10% Grade Policy 90%-100%=A 80%-89%=B 70%-79=C 69%-Below=F *Each student is expected to participate daily with a positive attitude. The GHHS discipline code will be followed for those that choose not to do so. Upon the second (2nd) no dress and participation the students administrator and parent(s) will be notified. 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